Since its inception in 1951 Trinity has been “missions-minded,” Typically allotting twenty to twenty- five percent of its annual total budget supporting local, domestic and foreign missionary endeavors. Several active and retired, long-term foreign missionaries count Trinity as their home church. Presently, two of our couples are active on the mission field; i.e. Australia and Indonesia. Periodically, Trinity has sent small groups of people from our church to encourage our missionaries and to complete various tasks as needed.
Local Outreach
"Women Visiting Shut-ins”-- for more than twenty years the women of our church body have faithfully visited those unable to attend worship services or other church functions because of illness, injury or age related infirmities. The visiting ladies encourage through conversation, prayer and if warranted, meals (A men’s visitation ministry is in the fledgling stages)
Trinity’s support of the Union Gospel Mission dates back to nearly the founding of UGM- more than fifty years ago. Our monetary support includes regular monthly gifts as well as special offerings by our ladies who attend bi-monthly meetings. The congregation regularly collects food, clothing and other items in support of UGM operations.
Global and other Domestic Missions
Domestic missions other than our Spokane Local Outreach, include two ministries where foreign college students in the Chicago, IL and Portland, OR areas are befriended, introduced to Christ and discipled. These programs are operated under the auspices of “Missions Door”. Additionally, Trinity continues to provide long-term support to a small Baptist church in Utah as well as to a missionary couple developing internship programs for individuals serving with missionaries in 25 countries around the world.
Through “World Venture”, Trinity continues its near 50-year support of the building and operation of a remote hospital in Kalimantan, central Borneo. Once small and struggling, today the hospital is a modern treatment facility, even sending out teams to perform specialty care such as cataract surgery.
Two additional Indonesian missionary efforts we support through “World Venture” involve the Matthew chapter twenty- eight admonition to go and “make disciples of all nations…”. These evangelistic ministries are often conducted in the face of fierce Muslim opposition. A fourth southeast Asian ministry we support is administered by “Missions Door”. This mission involves recruiting and training Cambodians living in the U.S. to “win Cambodia for Christ”.

A recent “Good News” Club meeting, Western Australia
Our support in the southwest Pacific region also includes a Trinity (home church) couple that ministers to young children in Western Australia through Child Evangelism Fellowship. This veteran couple trains workers and holds “Good News Clubs” in several locations in W.A. Literally, hundreds of children have accepted Christ during the past 20 years or so.
Trinity also supports two long-term ministries in Africa -- one in Cote d’Ivore and the other Nigeria. Both ministries focus on providing spiritual support in various ways to residents of these two countries.
Another ministry to Africans is also supported by our church body, but in Madrid, Spain. There a missionary couple established the “Friendship House” where they seek to encourage and win North African immigrants from Algeria and Morocco.